About Us

They give props to the Stop & Shop Supermarket Company for being so resilient and flexible throughout the years. – About Us The leveraged buyout firm KKR bought Stop & Shop in the 1980s, allowing the company to transition into private ownership.

Talktostopandshop.com Survey

 This occurred after the company’s successful evasion of a hostile takeover attempt. During this period, a number of significant events took place, including expansions and divestitures.

By 1990, the company’s activities had grown from its New York headquarters to include substantial operations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut simultaneously.

Smart acquisitions and rapid growth characterized the 2000s and the 1990s. You should know that in 1995 Stop & Shop bought up Purity Supreme locations, and in 1996 Ahold USA did the same.

Through strategic mergers and acquisitions, the firm was strengthening its foothold in the northeastern United States; nevertheless, it also had to contend with antitrust concerns.

Arrival Times

There are a total of six entry times for the Stop and Shop Survey Sweepstakes, and key dates for entering, submitting, and getting picked are different for each of the entry periods. The hours shown here are crucial if you want to compete.

Stop and Shop - About Us

Limitations on Admission

During the submission period, no more than five submissions per person or household will be accepted. Don’t forget that submissions that don’t make the cut for a particular session won’t be considered for the following one.